A brief rant article: My immediate thought

Screen Shot 2013-11-24 at 6.42.04 PM After reading that article I thought I would post this. In Superman: Man of Steel the most recent Superman movie the interfaces depicted in use on Krypton seem to employ a lot of touch operation to manipulate the 3D projection seen above. Bret Victor, the writer of the rant article would probably love the people who imagined this sort of interface in use in a futuristic, high technology society. Anyway, thought it was worth pointing out.

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One thought on “A brief rant article: My immediate thought

  1. Really good point. The entire movie had kind of a tactile feel, kind of like the old Star Wars movies. It was as if really amazing craftspeople were making interfaces with generations old techniques, and then hooking them up to crazy futuristic computers. Glad to see how you’re connecting the readings. Great!

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